Servanthood or Servant Leadership
There are some that will define the idea of servant leadership to be leaders that prioritize serving the greater good. This type of leader looks to serve their teams or organizations first and will prioritize their own objectives last.
Now let’s look at servant leadership/servanthood through the lens of scripture. Matthew 19:30 states “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first”. This statement by Jesus gets at the heart of servant leadership. A servant leader is one who will put himself or herself last. The service of others comes first. Throughout his earthly walk Jesus exemplified what it meant to be a servant leader. He demonstrated an immeasurable act of service in washing his disciple’s feet (John 13:3-5). He would heal and advise the one he healed not to tell anyone (Matthew 8:3-4). Jesus coached, mentored, and taught many, including the disciples, without asking or looking for any accolades to be placed upon him. The scriptures are littered with examples of Jesus’ servant leadership. Jesus’ ultimate act of service came in the laying down of His life for our sins so that we could have a right, reconnected relationship to the Father. “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Now that’s Servant Leadership!
We all have the capacity to demonstrate the qualities of servant leadership and servanthood in our daily living. We may not be able to physically heal an ailment, but we can provide an encouraging, healing word to someone that may be hurting. We may not have the ability to multiply a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish to feed thousands, but we do have the ability to donate to the food pantry to feed the fives, tens, and twenties! If we spend our time serving, using the example that Jesus set, not only will we enrich the lives of others, but our lives will be all the better for it as well! Our service to the Lord is all that matters. We should strive each day to serve our fellow man and through that service we are serving the Lord!