As we approach the midpoint of the year, it’s easy to feel like time is slipping away from us. Many of us began the year with a resolve to read our Bibles more or even tackle a reading plan to cover the entire Bible in 12 months. But despite our best intentions, we often find ourselves struggling to make progress.

We set our alarms, brew our coffee, and sit down with our Bibles, only to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. The words on the page seem to blur together, and we wonder how we’re supposed to understand the complex themes and stories. In those moments of hesitation, it’s essential to take a simple step: read the text in manageable portions. Don’t try to tackle too much at once. Instead, focus on a smaller chunk, and read it repeatedly.

As you read, take a moment to highlight or underline words and phrases that resonate with you. This simple act can help you slow down and engage more deeply with the text. Read slowly and carefully, and you may be surprised at the insights that emerge. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What is the main theme of this passage?
  • What does this verse tell me about God’s character?
  • How can I apply this truth to my life today?

Repeated reading can help you engage with Scripture more deeply. By revisiting the same passage multiple times, you will notice things you may have missed initially. You will start to see connections between verses, and the words will begin to take on new meanings.

Tips for Effective Bible Reading

  • Start small: Break your reading into manageable chunks, such as a chapter or a few verses.
  • Read repeatedly: Come back to the same passage multiple times to gain new insights.
  • Engage with the text: Highlight, underline, or jot down notes to help you interact with the words.
  • Be patient: Don’t feel like you need to rush through your reading. Take your time, and let the words sink in.
  • Use a reading plan: Find a plan that works for you, whether it’s a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule.
  • Find a study partner: Join a small group or find a friend to discuss your reading with.
  • Apply what you read: Take time to reflect on how you can apply the truths you’re learning to your everyday life.

As you continue your journey of reading the Bible, remember to celebrate your progress along the way. Don’t wait until you’ve finished the entire Bible to acknowledge your accomplishments. Instead, take time to reflect on how far you’ve come and how God has used His Word to shape and transform you.

 By following these simple steps, you can reignite your passion for reading the Bible and make meaningful progress on your goals. Remember, the goal is not just to read the Bible, but to engage with the words that God has given us.