Spring is finally here! The grass is turning green, trees are sprouting, flowers are blooming, and birds are returning. After a cold winter, many of us look forward to the renewal and rebirth of nature. It is a beautiful reminder of the power and wisdom of our Creator who spoke everything into existence and declared it good (Genesis 1:31). Spring reminds us that after the cold and dark days of winter, new life can bloom. Similarly, Jesus offers us a fresh start during hard times. Though it may be challenging, if we exercise faith and patience, we can see beautiful things grow even during adversity. No matter what sins we have or what struggles we face, we should never give up on ourselves or on Jesus’ ability to change our lives for the better. Ecclesiastes teaches us that God makes everything beautiful in his time, and so we should have faith and hope, enjoying each season of our lives and looking for the beauty that may already be around us.