Why Do We Call it Good Friday?
This year, Good Friday will be April 7. As we look toward this significant time of the year, we wanted to delve into the origins of the name: why is it called Good Friday? On that fateful Friday over two thousand years ago, Jesus suffered greatly. He was mocked, whipped, beaten, and nailed to the cross, leading us to consider this day as one of the darkest in history.
Three days later, when Jesus rose from the dead and defeated death, we can truly understand why this Friday was good. Jesus had to suffer and ultimately die so we could be saved from our sins. If he did not take on this heavy burden and die, his resurrection and true joining could never have occurred! While the word “good” is often translated from Old English to mean “holy”, the true meaning extends beyond that. Good Friday is a day to recognize the sacrifice Jesus made so we could be free from the darkness within us. It is an appropriate day to remember what he suffered through and all the good he accomplished.
In his darkest time of need, he never wavered in his beliefs, and neither should we as his children. Let us think of Good Friday as a day of recognition and hope. Join us on this day to truly celebrate Resurrection Sunday as the victory it is!